Five minutes with… Alex Metz, Class of 2014

Energy consultant, Alex Metz graduated from the MSc in 2014. Here he talks to us about his job, some of the things he loves, some which he loves to hate and his memories of the Sustainable Energy Futures course.

What is your job title?

Alex Metz, Class of 2014

I am a consultant within Navigant’s Energy team based in London.

What do you actually do?
I work for clients which include energy utilities across the UK, continental Europe and the Middle East. The types of projects delivered, range from strategy design and scenario mapping to business implementation and operational improvement. My main roles are to support the project team on a daily basis, to conduct analysis, to maintain relationships with the client, and to share results and recommendations.

Where are you if you are not in your office?
When not working from the office, I am usually at the client’s site – this can be based anywhere from London to the Middle East. I can also be working from home – this type of work allows flexibility in terms of personal commitments.

Which living person do you most admire, and why?
There is no specific person that I admire; I rather get inspired by constructive behaviours and positive skills from people. Everyone has something to bring to you and it is your responsibility to identify what it is!

What’s your favourite song?
One of my favourite songs is called ‘All Along the Watchtower’. The lyrics poetry by Bob Dylan combined with electric guitar virtuosity by Jimi Hendrix make it a song I can listen to again and again.

What or who would you consign to room 101?
I would try and fit as many politicians as possible – we really don’t need so many of them.

What would your super power be?
Ubiquity – one part of me working hard on the professional side, the other part playing hard and exploring new places with my girlfriend.

Who would play you in the film of your life story?
I doubt anyone would be interested in making a film out of my life!

What is your favourite word?
‘Why not?’

How would you like to be remembered?
Somebody full of ‘joy of life’ always happy to help.

What’s the most important lesson life has taught you?
Seize the opportunities when they arise – when they don’t arise by themselves, just create them!

What is your favourite memory of your MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures?
The field trip to Wales – epic time. What happened in Wales remains in Wales…

How did your studies prepare you for your future career?
The MSc requires you to work and deliver assignments in groups. Most of the career you will be asked to deliver work as a group – very seldom as a person.

Are you still in touch with any of the people you studied with?
Of course I am. They are the main group of people I know who are based in London – although most of them are not from London originally!

How would you sum up your time at on MSc in SEF in three words?
Dynamic. International. London.